Oregon, Rivers

Tillamook Forest + Wilson River

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All State Parks in Oregon are closed right now. Same goes for most states in the US. It’s all in an effort to keep people home and away from each other. We have found that outings of any sort are essential. Especially 8 weeks into the state social distancing mandate. And technically recreating outdoors away from others is allowed!

Until today, we had only driven through the Tillamook Forest on the way to the coast but never stopped. This time we drove to Jones Creek Campground to explore the Wilson River. Right before we arrived Tennyson fell asleep so we kept driving through the campground deeper into the forest. It is huge! We drove for what felt like forever and the road kept going.

Luckily, the path that follows the river and leads to the visitor center is not far from the main highway. It’s a beautiful place to explore!

As long as Tennyson has food, he doesn’t care where he is. He’s a great little adventure buddy.

Look how clear the water is! You can actually see the rocks below the water outside of the currant. None of these photos have been edited. Just raw Oregon beauty captured with an iPhone.

Wildflowers found on the path

Tenny by the road

Lucas is going to start a photo series called, “Tenny by the road.” This is the first entry.

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