Events, Fashion, Life

GAP Fashion Show

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One of my jobs right now is an event coordinator for the local Gap store. I LOVE it. Not only is the employee discount great, but coordinating store events is really fun. We (myself and three other event girls) have put on some fun events in the last little while, the biggest of which happened on Saturday.

Our fashion show included 40+ local celebrities modeling the new line of spring Gap clothes inside the mall, near our store. Most of the models were local fashion bloggers or mommy bloggers, but we also had people from two different BYU vocal groups. All of the pictures below are thanks to the wonderful JessaKae.

Gap at the University Mall in Orem, UT

Wall created with loads of Gap bags. It was my boss’ idea. Brilliant, right?

During the show, we had to local food vendors selling treats inside the store, “Awful Waffle” with crepes and “Slurp” with sugar cookies and custom sodas.

The kids were the cutest on the runway so I chose to include mostly pictures of them. Everyone looked great, the little guys are just more entertaining.

Gap at the University Mall in Orem, UT

Gap at the University Mall in Orem, UT

Gap at the University Mall in Orem, UT

Gap at the University Mall in Orem, UT

Gap at the University Mall in Orem, UT

Also, this guy (a vocalist in the BYU group Beyond Measure) did an awesome spin/jump/kick at the end of the runway. Pretty impressive, definitely unexpected.

At the end of the day my feet were tired but my heart was happy. I love events, especially runway centered events. Also, Handsome was there with me nearly all day being helpful and extremely patient. He videoed the whole show! He’s the best. As soon as I can edit the clips together I’ll post it.

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