DIY, Life

U-Cut Christmas Trees

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We got our first Christmas tree this year! One of our co-workers’ family owns a u-cut Christmas tree farm so we picked out and cut our tree! And by ‘we’ I mean Lucas did all the work. Just trying to give credit where credit is due : )




IMG_5258_1Purchasing a tree was a last minute decision so we had to run to the store to get a tree stand and lights on the way home. We bought one box with a 300 light strand in it. I thought it wouldn’t be enough but Lucas swore it would be plenty so we bet on it. If we needed more lights to cover the tree then I got to buy a super soft throw blanket from Costco that I’d had my eye on for a while. Lucas never decided what his reward would be for winning the bet, but it didn’t matter because while decorating the tree we quickly realized who won! Yahoo for soft blankets!

IMG_1384_1Our first Christmas tree! Complete with a handmade gold star! (Lucas made the star out of a cereal box and gold spray paint and did a great job! Except it made for a great spider house. Gross! )


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