Events, Life

Christmas/Birthday Party

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Although I LOVE parties, I don’t enjoy parties that are about me. I prefer to be the host over being the center of attention. Luckily my birthday can be blended with Christmas so I can have a birthday/ugly sweater/holiday party : )

As life during the holiday season is often crazy, Lucas and I were running late to get home after work, the power went out on the freeway offramp stop lights so traffic made the return commute 40 minutes instead of 8 minutes, so by the time we got home our friends were arriving and I forgot to put on my ugly sweater. Even though, it was such a fun night. There is something wonderful about having a small apartment filled with happy people you love that makes everything better.






I have the pleasure of working with Shalece and she is amazing! I’m so grateful for her!IMG_5364_1

Kelsey surprised me at work with this beautiful gold tumbler with with my favorite tea from Starbucks. Best birthday present! Also, she brought yummy sugar cookies for everyone to frost : )IMG_5384_1


Ally made this delicious pumpkin chocolate chip bread shaped like a cake with cream cheese frosting. So yummy! Thank you Ally!!IMG_5402_1


Evan frosted the best looking Santa cookie so we had to document it.IMG_5411_1

We used the extra Martinelli’s from our work party : )




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