
September 2022

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I’ve had a new year’s resolution that I haven’t acted on for probably 6 years now… to keep this blog updated. Every year I change the resolution slightly to make it more realistically achievable and yet I still haven’t done it. The 2022 version of this goal was to make monthly bullet point recaps with a photo dump. I actually started the January post… but I never finished it.

This Sept highlight post is the first step toward me getting something other than birthday parties and the annual dahlia farm trip pictures posted. Here’s to hoping this continues!


  • Murphy started walking! She has been strong enough and coordinated enough to walk for months but she was so fast at crawling she wasn’t motivated to try walking. Once morning she just randomly took 7 steps across the playroom like it was nothing! She still does a combo of walking and crawling but every day the ratio for walking increases.
  • For the first time in several months we had over 2 straight weeks of no one in the house being sick! At least not sick enough to stay home from school or work. We’ll take what we can get. The last few months have been ROUGH with the kids and me (rarely Lucas) getting back to back viruses of all sorts.
  • Lucas and I both had out of town work trips on the same week. I booked flights that fit perfectly with Lucas’ mom coming to Portland to watch the kids and serendipitously all of the flights worked out as planned so it was a super smooth hand off at the airport on Tues and Thurs.
  • Lucas successfully finished a huge project – rolled out the Precoa People Strategy and beautiful magazine that him and a coworker created at a company-wide event
  • Tenny and me went to the dentist and he LOVED IT. They actually cleaned his teeth and everything and he sat still, was relaxed, and enjoyed the experience.
  • I got to try out a pottery class! (work trip) I’ve always wanted to so this was really fun.
  • Alex leveled and resurfaced our balcony! Now it won’t collect puddles of water and it looks much better.
  • We upgraded Tenny’s bed to a real, twin sized bed and sold his crib / toddler conversion kit. Also, I sold the West Elm crib for the same amount that I bought it 3 years ago (the retail price has gone up since then and I bought it on Black Friday).
  • Murphy started sleeping on a nap mat and not in a crib like the big kids at school
  • Lucas and I got a babysitter and went on an actual date – rooftop cafe dinner downtown and the fall festival at the Chinese Garden.
  • By the end of the month my dahlias finally started to bloom and keep going!
  • Lucas and I got new phones (iPhone 14 pro)
  • Murphy’s teachers taught her how to blow kisses and it’s so cute


  • Lucas was gone for two full work weeks in a row in Bend & he was working lots of long nights (often until 2 am) leading up to those trips
  • The balcony resurfacing project cost about double what we had expected. This was the first time we didn’t estimate costs before starting a project and our assumptions were off. Lesson learned.
  • It’s been a struggle to keep Tenny in his bed or even his room at night. Since he often takes a nap at school, he isn’t tired at 7 when the kids usually go to bed. He will play and read books (recites from memory) until 9:30-10 pm. Typically he asks for help for something several times in those 2-3 hours before going to sleep.
  • Murphy is less interested in eating now because she is so mobile. She refuses to sit for longer than 5 seconds in her high chair so she spends most of her meals eating standing up in her chair.

iPhone photo dump

Pictures from school

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