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Is it cheesy to say that 2013 was the best year of my life? Well folks, if I said any different it would be a lie. 2013 was pretty great and will be a tough one to beat.

Not including engagement (technically Dec 2012), planning the wedding of my dreams and experiencing the happiest day of my life (wedding day!), this last year was still incredible. I split my forehead open after running into wood shelves, I (with a friend) showed a collection of dresses in my first two fashion shows, Lucas and I were in the delivery room when our life-long friends had their first baby, we spent a week in Carmel/Monterey on our honeymoon, we spent a wonderful month in Peru, we camped on the beach with his family, Lucas was a raft guide during the summer, I made a custom wedding dress (huge financial blessing), we played a lot with my two nephews and new twin nieces, Lucas accepted a job offer in Portland, we visited Portland for the first time and visited family there, spent Thanksgiving in Boise with my extended family, attended several weddings of friends and family, Lucas got a 4.0 (he wont like me telling everyone but I’m so proud!), we shared Christmas with both of our families home in California, and did yoga everywhere along the way.

We are only about 12 hours into 2014 and it is already looking up! Lucas and I both have a cold. Haha so that part is no good, but the rest of the year looks nice. In April, Lucas and I will graduate with our undergraduate degrees from Brigham Young University. By June, we will be moved into a new place in the Portland area, Lucas will be starting his job and I will hopefully be starting one too : )

I can’t believe that Lucas and I have been married for over 7 months! 23 is too young to be married! I can’t remember a day when we weren’t married! Marriage is the best! Too many conflicting thoughts. And we’re graduating college soon. Are we officially adults yet?

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