
100 Days of Marriage

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As of yesterday, Lucas Charles Brook and I have been married for 100 days! Crazy how fast time goes by. I didn’t count the days, but I had an app with a countdown to our wedding and it turns out it the app has been counting the days since the wedding. Did the work for me.

100 days of marriage

Among other things, in the last 100 days we spent a month in a different country, watched an outdoor movie, attended 5 weddings (not including our own), went camping with family, moved across states, went to a water park, went rafting, burnt a batch of brownies and settled into our first home. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next 100 or 1,000,000 days!

Being married is the best. Let’s be honest, living life with your soul mate makes even mundane chores fun.

For now here is my list of the top 25 things I love most about marriage.

1. Waking up next to your best friend

2. Knowing you can get through life because you’re together

3. Being able to eat chocolate chip eggo waffles at midnight together

4. Dancing in your own kitchen

5. Having someone there to notice and be proud of the little things

6. Praying together every night

7. The ability to be naked all day

8. Being yourself and being loved for it

9. Back scratches in bed

10. Grocery shopping together

11. Laughing while doing laundry at a local sketchy laundry mat together

12. Meeting up on campus in between classes even if we only have 30 seconds

13. Realizing every day you love each other more than the day before

14. Creating a life together

15. Finishing a movie in the morning because we were both too tired to to finish it the night before

16. Sharing everything

17. Showering together

18. Impulsive dinner dates

19. Needing an unusually large shoe rack because we both have too many pairs of shoes

20. Being told you’re beautiful/handsome every day

21. Afternoon/evening strolls on beautiful (easy) hiking trails

22. The opportunity to work for something more important than yourself: your spouse

23. Falling asleep together on the floor after an all-you-can-eat sushi lunch because we were too full to move

24. The ability to invite people over to “our home”

25. Coming home from a long day of work or school to someone who loves and cares about you more than anything

I can’t wait to see what our life together will bring! Hopefully college degrees will be in the near future : )

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