
Stewart Falls. Almost.

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We were so happy for an excuse to get away from homework/errands to explore the beautiful Provo Canyon with the Lulla family! They had to get to a surprise birthday party and we had to get back to our massive to-do list so we couldn’t stay long but the short trip was worth every second. To get all the way to Stewart Falls, the hike is about an hour and a half. One way. Since we only had an hour and a half, we ignored the trail to the falls and veered off to someplace else. After a while the trail kind of ended, so we trailblazed until we got back to the main trail. Using instinct and the distant sound of other hiker’s voices as a guide. It was excellent. The outdoors has never been my “go to” place when I need to relax or just get away, but I am loving it more and more. Honestly, look how beautiful this view is! I can’t lie, getting outside, away from the city is a great way to rebalance yourself. Also, great company is always good. We love the Lulla family and are always happy to spend time with them. Everything is more exciting with these guys around.IMG_8061










IMG_8098IMG_8102Group decision time. Which direction should we go? We didn’t know, so we picked a direction that seemed good and went. We quickly met up with the original trail.


IMG_8108Who needs a trail when you can make your own?



I love watching the trees change colors. Maybe we’ll come back before the snow comes when we have time to walk all the way to the falls.

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