DIY, Fashion

Provo Fashion Week

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Remember when I said I’d tell you about the huge project I’m working on later? Well, later is today.

My friend Janay and I created a (small) line of formal dresses for a fashion show last year and it was the first time that either of us had seen our work modeled on a runway. The feeling was incredible, let me assure you. There were several disappointed designers (including us) when we found out that there wouldn’t be a 2014 version of last year’s show because that was our only hope of being in another fashion show locally. Busy with school and work, as I’m sure all of the other designers are, I never have a solid reason to make time for sewing anything I design.

Janay and I are creating the first ever Provo Fashion Week.

We had an overwhelming response when we spread the word about possibly putting together a fashion show. Seriously, we have gone from one show, to two, to a final four shows because we have so many people involved and they can’t all fit in our venue! Amongst designers there are fashion school grads and sewing geniuses as well as first time designers and sewing students. The collections range from extreme formal wear to dressy everyday wear to business casual to casual to backpacks and even children’s clothing and footwear. We knew there were people around here looking for a chance to actively participate in the fashion scene but had no idea there were so many! Utah isn’t exactly a fashion hot spot.

As the number of shows have increased, so have our production costs. Janay and I are making this a free opportunity for all of the designers and models so right now we are paying for everything out of pocket. We need help funding this Kickstarter to pay for the event. Funding this show gives local designers the chance to create a line, display it in a show for hundreds of people to see and leave with professional photos of their work. Please share our Kickstarter with anyone you know who is interested in fashion design or supporting people who are.


Visit our Kickstarter pageĀ here.

The page looks like this, so you’ll know you’re in the right place : )

Screen shot 2014-03-02 at 11.01.32 AM

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