DIY, Life

DIY Laundry Detergent

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I’m not much of a cook because I don’t speak recipe. But, the recipe below it fool-proof so it’s my favorite : )

To make your own powder laundry detergent all you do is mix together the ingredients in this picture. Honestly, you can make a detergent with only three of these items but I like my laundry super clean, stain free and smelling great so I use these 6 items. The mixture costs $27.87 and lasts 12 months, that includes 2 loads of laundry per week. I’ve heard people with similar recipes say they only use a tablespoon of detergent per load and can get 6 loads a week for whole year.  I prefer using the equivalent of 3 or 4 tablespoons per load, but I don’t have a reason why. Just preference.


Borax Laundry Booster- 76 oz: $3.97

OxiClean – 3 lbs: $7.52

Arm & Hammer Washing Soda – 55 oz: $3.24

Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda – 4 lbs (optional): $2.24

Fells-Naptha Laundry Soap – 2 bars: $0.97 x 2 = $1.94 (online you can only buy the bars in bulk but individually in the store they are 97 cents each)

Fabric Softener Crystals – 55 oz (optional): $8.96 (you can save $4 and get the smaller 28 oz container or save $9 and don’t include this ingredient)

Grand Total: $27.87


Dump all of the ingredients into your mixing container of choice (I bought this clear container at Walmart 2 years ago when I made my first batch. It cost less than $5 and works great!). Then add the grated Fels-Naptha bars. The bars can be chopped with a knife or shredded on a cheese grater. The goal is to turn the bars into tiny pieces so they work better in the washer. I think the small holed cheese grater is the best way to go.

Mixing the contents is the most difficult part because it’s hard to find a container large enough to allow for ferocious stirring. In this case, your hands are the best mixing tool because they minimize the amount of powder you’ll have to inhale and yield a more thorough mixture. Also, this clear container allows me to see any neglected corners or edges that still need mixing.


Although the mixture fills up a large container, for daily use it’s easier to use a smaller, refillable container of detergent. I prefer using the Purex Crystals pitcher-like container because I use the blue cap as a gauge of how much detergent to use in each load and it’s easy to pick up off of the shelf above my washer. The small Oxi Clean container is a great option as well.

photo 2_1All of the ingredients are on the same aisle at Walmart! (I’m not usually a Walmart enthusiast but this is the only store I’ve found that has every ingredient I need, and cheap.) Everything you need is in this picture except the fabric softener crystals, which is about 8 feet to the left.   : )

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