Featured, Rivers

Deschutes River

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One of Lucas’ favorite music artists is Amos Lee. He is the only person we’ve seen perform more then once; in fact, we’ve been to 3 of his concerts. On his latest tour, Amos Lee came to Portland but we were out of town that weekend so we opted to drive down to Bend, OR the following week to see his concert. Our friends the Browns joined in for the concert then the next day we all went rafting (except for one pregnant momma) and the Thompsons came too.

It was nice to have a weekend getaway with friends. There have been a lot of fires in Oregon lately so we knew that smoke might be an issue but we were mostly concerned about staying cool in the 100+ degree weather (especially since the concert was in an outdoor amphitheater during the hottest part of the day!). We lucked out and somehow the weather at the concert was perfect for sitting outside! Nice cool breeze and everything! The next day we were glad to be on the water because it was around 106ºF outside and the water was in the mid 60s. Also, this was an excuse for Lucas to test out his new Tevas : )

If we lived closer to Maupin, we would raft the middle section of the Deschutes River ALL the time. This section was so easily accessible and really fun! The water is crazy cold (even in August) so it is a great escape from the desert heat and surprisingly beautiful. I love the contrast desert rivers offer between the dry brush on the hills and lush green shrubs along the water. Too bad Maupin is in the middle of nowhere…

Lucas in his happy place : )

So happy we went and I sincerely hope we go again!

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